Stuart Sayger

Stuart Sayger has produced covers for "G.I.Joe", "Dejah Thoris", "Jeepers Creepers", "Vampirella" and is currently working on covers for"Kiss" (the Gene Simmons band) and "Bloodshot". Past comic book projects include: "Walking Dead", "X-Files", "30-Days of Night", "Xena Warrior Princess", "Lego Bionicle", "Micronauts" and "Rom". Sayger has also produced art for the "Man of Steel" Superman movie as well as many other Warner Bros. Batman/ Superman/ Wonder Woman projects!
Friday, November 15
Grand Gallery E-F
3 p.m.
Horror in Comics
Stuart Sayger, Dirk Manning, and Vince Locke
Join our group of scary guys as they discuss the darker side of the comics world and how horror in comics has shaped the industry. Our spooky historian Roger Scholz will moderate.
Saturday, November 16
Grand Gallery Overlook C
2:45 p.m.
The Art of Sword and Sorcery
Stuart Sayger
Stuart Sayger is a cover artist for Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja comics. Join this panel as he discusses how he draws sword and sorcery art and how it is different from creating superhero comics!