Channel Awesome
Doug Walker is best known for his character The Nostalgia Critic, who reviews bad movies and TV shows connected to childhood.
Malcolm Ray is a SAG actor and voice actor repped by Stewart Talent.
Tamara Chambers is a Chicago based performer who works as an actor for Channel Awesome.
From Santa Christ to the Chart Guy, Rob Walker always plays a big role in the creation of the show Nostalgia Critic.
Walter Banasiak is a Chicago area filmmaker and content creator for Channel Awesome, Inc.
Jim Jarosz is an Actor, Writer, Director, producer, and production designer.
For the past 16 years, Brad Jones has been the creator and star of the popular YouTube and Channel Awesome series The Cinema Snob, a satirical look at exploitation cinema throughout the decades.
Heather is the resident Channel Awesome Twitch Queen and can be seen on camera throughout the week in addition to running tech behind the scenes for the live-streams.
Aiyanna Wade (she/her) is a comedic performer, writer, and producer. You may recognize her from Channel Awesome's Top 5.
Barney Walker
The creative genius ultimately (or infamously) responsible for the Walker Brothers (after all, he IS their father) Barney is also the chief musician for Channel Awesome and works alongside Jim Jarosz creating props, sets, costumes, etc.