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House of 1,000 Glue Sticks is a family of cosplayers from the Grand Rapids area. Thayne and Jennifer Dunahee have been cosplaying together with their four kids since 2014, but their cosplay journey began long ago with a love of Halloween. Jennifer grew up building props with her dad for their Halloween yard displays, and planning elaborate Halloween costumes with her mom, traditions she eventually carried on with her own family.


Geek culture has always been another prominent aspect of their lives, and dressing in costume for book release parties and early movie screenings was always a given. However, it wasn’t until 2014, while preparing to attend the first Grand Rapids Comic Con, that they discovered cosplay, a hobby that combines their love of costuming and prop building with their affinity for geek culture. They’ve been hooked ever since!


House of 1,000 Glue Sticks is about designing and creating together as a family. Everyone gets involved and their house is always filled with costumes and props in various stages of construction. It’s always an adventure!

With so many creative forces in one family, there are always new ideas and exciting projects in the works!


You can find this family cosplay group on Instagram here and their Facebook here.

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