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Jean Davis

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Jean Davis writes science fiction and fantasy from the comfort of her comfy chair in West Michigan. When taking a break from fictional people, she spends time with her musical husband, a small flock of ducks and chickens, and two attention-craving terriers. Occasionally, she ventures outside to play in her flower garden, visit the local breweries, and eat gluttonous amounts of sushi.

Follow her writing adventures and sign up for her newsletter:


Friday, November 15

Grand Gallery Overlook C

3:30 pm

If I'd Only Known

Jean Davis and Evan Heuker

Learn from the mistakes and missteps of authors Jean Davis and Evan D. Heuker so that you can be more prepared to succeed in your creative endeavors. A discussion centered around writing, publication, and marketing.

Saturday, November 16

Grand Gallery Overlook A-B

3 p.m.

Creating Characters People Love (and Loathe)

Bryan Donihue and Jean Davis

Bryan and Jean talk about bringing characters to life that people will learn to love, or loathe, depending on their role in the story.

Sunday, November 17.

Grand Gallery Overlook E

12:15 p.m.

Flights of Fantasy: Fantasy Literature in a Modern World

Bryan Donihue, Jean Davis, and Laurie Luczyk

An open discussion of fantasy literature and why you read it, including YA Fantasy, Romantasy, and even LitRPG.

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