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Sew Yummy Crafts

Hello! My Name is Lizzy (Elizabeth) the artist that has made cute little animals that are food plushies! I have been working on my brand for about 7 years and i'm still growing every year! Sew Yummy Crafts has plenty to give to your con! My main craft is sewing cute plushies like Burgles, Pastry Rays and even cute Birdbucks, of course so much more! I have dabbled in pins and other smaller projects as well that showcase my table!

I have been wanting to expand into other cons that have not experienced my booth or crafts! We are very themed in a bakery setting. I really enjoy giving people smiles when they run up to my booth! It makes me so happy to here that you have the best booth here or even I love the theme that you made! Hopefully this helps understand that i'm here to grow and give others a small piece of happiness when they stop by my booth!

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